What is the SAR Pledge

We, descendants of the heroes of the American Revolution who, by their sacrifices, established the United States of America, reaffirm our faith in the principles of liberty and our Constitutional Republic, and solemnly pledge ourselves to defend them against every foe.

How much does it cost to join?

With a hobby like genealogy cost can vary depending upon how well your ancestors buried the records.  The SAR cost vary from Chapter to Chapter or State to State with regards to dues.  To find the cost for you reach out to the contact closest to you.  They can be found here. The National Society cost for the application fee is $100 (US).  The National Society dues are $50(US) The State Society cost would add to this amount.  The same for Chapter cost.

Friday FAQ-Were there any other SAR Congress cancellations prior to the 2020 Congress?
Introducing “Friday FAQs”
Friday FAQ “Does the National Headquarters Have My Chapter’s Charter?”
Friday FAQ “What are Some Alternative Sources for Birth Records?”
Friday FAQ “What is a Lineage Society?”
Friday FAQ “What is the Difference Between Primary and Secondary Resources?”
Friday FAQ “How Do I Navigate the Member Menu on the SAR Website?”
Friday FAQ “How Can We Improve Applications to Streamline Reviews at National?”
Friday FAQ: Does the SAR membership include any U.S. Presidents?
Friday FAQ: How do I care for historic objects in the home?
Friday FAQ: What is a Life Membership?
Friday FAQ: Meet Kelly Moore & How to Complete a Change of Officers Form
Friday FAQ: Meet new Finance Director Megan Krebs
Friday FAQ: Use of DAR Record Copies
Friday FAQ: What is the process for digitizing the SAR’s Institutional Archives?
Friday FAQ: What is the Minuteman Award?
Formatting an Application

SAR Application Formatting Guide

How do I gain access to the online resources?
  1. Go to http://members.sar.org and click register.
  2. Fill out the requested information.
  3. Check your email and click the confirmation link.
  4. Login

How do I create a supplemental application in the online system?

Creating a Supplemental in the Online Application System

1. Build the entire application as a regular type. 2. Click My applications.
3. Click the edit button on the right hand side of the screen for the application you want. 4. Click update and continue.
5. Go to the bottom and click “Save All and Continue”. 6. Click “Next Section”.
7. Click “Save Draft and View”. 8. Click “Edit/View”.
9. Under application type, click the down arrow beside the application type. 10. Select supplemental
11. Click Update and Continue. 12. Click “Print Application” in the top right corner.
13. Click OK. 14. Click Print Application (Top Right of Form)
15. Click the checkbox. 16. Click Continue.
17. Click Print.

How do I change my password?

Password Reset:

1. Log into http://members.sar.org

2. Click the padlock icon in the top right corner

3. Type the desired password twice.
